Individual Volunteers
We appreciate the support, generosity, and talents of our volunteers to help fulfill the BCC mission. We encourage
our volunteers to share their skills and talents with our children and families through a wide variety of volunteer
Assist with special classroom activities (art, cooking, music)
Read to our children
Serve at one or more events
Assist with administrative tasks
Hold a fundraiser
Volunteer Applicants should complete the following:
Affidavit of Good Moral Character – must be signed and notarized
Non-Disclosure/Confidentiality Agreement Volunteer Application
Local Background Check – Broward (or Local) County Sheriff’s Office
Level II Fingerprinting – performed at Broward Children’s Center
Sign and email forms to volunteer@bcckids.org, or mail to Volunteer Coordinator, 200 SE 19th Avenue, Pompano Beach, Florida, 33060.
Development Department

200 E 19th Ave., Pompano Beach, FL 33060
954.649.7362 - MaryannA@bcckids.org